
11 Micro-Nazioni Autoproclamate di cui non sapevate l'esistenza

Il fotografo Léo Delafontaine ha visitato alcune micronazioni girando per l'America , Europa e Australia e quello che ha trovato è molto interessante 
 Pensate bene.. ci sono 400 micronazioni che si sono autoproclamate.
Tutte hanno i Loro Governi e le loro Leggi.
Una micronazione è un'entità creata da una persona, o da un piccolo numero di persone, che pretende di essere considerata come nazione o stato indipendente (Wikipedia)
Pensate le implicazioni.. mentre il mondo è all'oscuro circa questa realta'.
Qui vi vengono presentate le prime 11 visitate...dal fotografo.
Buona Visione

Straordinarie Immagini dei Capi e delle MicroNazioni visitate dal fotografo Leo Delafontaine.
Ma se volete vedere la lista intera delle Micronazioni nel mondo, clicca qui!
Ci sono Nazioni dichiarate da singole persone in un singolo appartamento !!

Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
The airport of the Conch Republic. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Sir Peter Anderson, secretary general of the Conch Republic, one of the few micronations that issues passports. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com

Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Georgette Bertin-Pourchet, president of the Republic of Saugeais. It was founded by her father, George, in 1947. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Jacques Vuillemin, customs officer of the Republic of Saugeais. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
The Prinicipality of Sealand is an abandoned World War II military platform off the coast of Great Britain in international waters. It was founded 1967 by Paddy Roy Bates as a pirate radio station. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Prince Michael of Sealand. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Princess Chirley of Sealand. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
With a living area of 5,290 square feet, Sealand boasts multiple bedrooms, a chapel, and a prison. It has its own flag and currency, and also issues passports. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Consuls Pascalux, Philippeon, and Sebastiel de la Boirie of the Consulate of la Boirie. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Corpo della Guardia is the principality’s armed force, responsible for the defence of borders and maintaining public order. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Frederikke Rose Holm, Julie Holstein, Nanna Gilsgaard, Christine Barnett, and Bolette Winnerskjold Gjaldbaek, the butterflies of the kingdom of Elleore. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Bringing a copy of Robinson Crusoe on to the island of Elleore can be punished by a sentence of 11 minutes and 17 seconds in prison. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
The island goes by Elleore Standard Time, which is 12 minutes behind Danish time. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
The people of Elleore waiting for their king. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
The border between the Republic of Molossia and the USA. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Kevin Baugh, president of the Republic of Molossia. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Emperor George II of the Empire of Atlantium. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed
The name Calsahara comes from a combination of California and Sahara. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Travis Henry, or Montague, king of Calsahara. Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com

PoliNation: 2nd International Conference on Micronations

PoliNation: 2nd International Conference on Micronations
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
“PoliNation brings together academics and micronation presidents, emperors, and kings from around the world for two days of intensive knowledge exchange. It is an opportunity for delegates to rub shoulders with a host of alternative world leaders.” – Léo Delafontaine
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com
Leo Delafontaine / leodelafontaine.com

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